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Professor of Economics

John R. Bowblis, Ph.D., is a Professor of Economics in the Farmer School of Business and a Research Fellow with the Scripps Gerontology Center, both at Miami University (Ohio). He also has affiliations with the School of Aging at the University of South Florida and The Brattle Group.

Overview of Research

Dr. Bowblis’ research centers on economic, antitrust, and regulatory issues related to the long-term care, post-acute care, hospitals, physicians, and other health care sectors with particular focus on health care quality, costs, and how providers respond to competition and financial incentives. Dr. Bowblis’ work has been published in the American Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Health Services Research, Review of Industrial Organization, Medical Care, Health Affairs, and other journals. Dr. Bowblis current grant funded research focuses on the impact of visitation bans on nursing home residents, evaluating Ohio's nursing home and assisted living industries, immunizations among nursing home and assisted living residents and staff, and the role of private equity in assisted livings, and the treatment of individuals with severe mental illness in long-term care facilities. 

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​Select Forthcoming and Recent Publications

  • Bowblis JR, Menne HL, Nelson M, Elliot A. Staffing Patterns in Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Communities, and Memory Care Units: Variation Across Shifts. JAMDA forthcoming.

  • Bowblis JR, Brunt CS, Xu H, Applebaum R, Grabowski D. 2024. Nursing Homes Increasingly Rely on Staffing Agencies for Direct Care NursingHealth Affairs 43(3): 327-335.

  • Bowblis JR, Brunt CS, Xu H, Grabowski D. 2023. Understanding Nursing Home Spending and Staff Levels in the Context of Recent Nursing Staff Recommendations. Health Affairs 42(2): 197-206.

  • Bowblis JR. 2022. The Need for an Economically Feasible Nursing Home Staffing Benchmark: Evaluating an Acuity-Based Nursing Staff Benchmark. Innovation in Aging 6(4): 1-11.

  • Nasseh, K., Bowblis JR. 2022. The Effect on Dental Care Utilization from Transitioning Pediatric Medicaid Beneficiaries to Managed Care. Health Economics 31(6): 1103-1128.

  • Potter A, Bowblis JR. 2021. Nursing Home Care Under Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports. Health Services Research 56(6): 1179-89.

  • Bowblis JR, Applebaum R. 2021. Prevalence of COVID-19 in Ohio Nursing Homes: What’s Quality Got to Do With It? Journal of Aging & Social Policy 33(4-5) 414-30.

  • Bowblis JR, Ng W, Akosionu O, Shippee TP. 2021. Decomposing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Nursing Home Quality of Life. Journal of Applied Gerontology 40(9): 1051-61.

  • Nasseh K, Bowblis JR, Vujcic M. 2021. Pricing in Commercial Dental Insurance and Provider Markets. Health Services Research 56(1): 25-35.

  • Bowblis JR, Smith A. 2021. Occupational Licensing of Social Services and Nursing Home Quality: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 74(1): 199-223

  • Xu H, Intrator O, Bowblis JR. 2020. Shortages of Staffing in Nursing Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Are the Driving Factors? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 21:1371-1377.

  • Huang S, Bowblis JR. 2019. Is the Quality of Nursing Homes Counter-Cyclical? Evidence from 2001 to 2015. The Gerontologist 59(6): 1044-1054

  • Berish D, Bornstein J, Bowblis JR. 2019. The Impact of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Presence on Nursing Home Survey Deficiencies. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 20(10): 1325-1330.

  • Akosa Antwi Y, Bowblis JR. 2018. The Impact of Nurse Turnover on Quality of Care and Mortality in Nursing Homes: Evidence from the Great Recession. American Journal of Health Economics 4(2): 131-161.


Dr. Bowblis has taught a number of undergraduate and graduate courses in health economics, applied econometrics, industrial organization, regulation, and antitrust.


Dr. Bowblis has received several awards including: the James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award (2016); the Leo Award (2016), Excellence in Career Development Award (2016), the Peter Asch Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Research in Applied Microeconomics (2009), and the Sidney I. Simon Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2006). In 2020, Dr. Bowblis’ co-authored work with Sean Huang on the whether quality in nursing homes is counter-cyclical won the inaugural AcademyHealth’s Long-term Services and Support Interest Group’s Publication of the Year Award. In 2022, Dr. Bowblis received the OAGE researcher of the year award and the Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence. In 2024, Dr. Bowblis received the University Faculty Scholar Award for outstanding research.

Prior Work

Prior to joining the faculty at Miami University, Dr. Bowblis worked at a litigation consulting firm and Rutgers University’s Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research.


Dr. Bowblis received his Ph.D. from the Department of Economics at Rutgers University, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in economics from King’s College in Pennsylvania.


© 2024 by John R. Bowblis, Ph.D.

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